Did you ever wonder which lines in you package are used by which procedure/function? Let's find package modules (procedures and functions) and their boundaries (starting and ending lines).
WITH x AS ( SELECT '&OBJECT_NAME' AS object_name, 'PACKAGE BODY' AS object_type FROM DUAL ), s AS ( SELECT s.line, s.text FROM user_source s CROSS JOIN x WHERE s.name = x.object_name AND s.type = x.object_type --AND NOT REGEXP_LIKE(s.text, '^(\s)*$') -- strip empty line --AND NOT REGEXP_LIKE(s.text, '^(\s)[-]{2}') -- strip comments ), p AS ( -- to find first and last module line SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY NULL ORDER BY i.line) AS position, i.name, i.type, i.line AS start_line, LEAD(i.line) OVER (PARTITION BY i.object_name, i.object_type ORDER BY i.line) - 1 AS end_line FROM user_identifiers i CROSS JOIN x WHERE i.object_name = x.object_name AND i.object_type = x.object_type AND i.type IN ('PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION') AND i.usage = 'DEFINITION' ORDER BY line ), s1 AS ( -- to find multiline comments before each module SELECT s.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY s.line) AS rn FROM s WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(s.text, '(/\*)', 'i') AND NOT REGEXP_LIKE(s.text, '(\*/)', 'i') ), s2 AS ( SELECT s.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY s.line) AS rn FROM s WHERE NOT REGEXP_LIKE(s.text, '(/\*)', 'i') AND REGEXP_LIKE(s.text, '(\*/)', 'i') ) SELECT r.position, r.name, r.type, r.start_line, r.end_line, r.lines, m.start_line AS description_start FROM ( SELECT p.position, p.name, p.type, p.start_line, MAX(s.line) AS end_line, MAX(s.line) - p.start_line AS lines FROM ( -- find last END; before next module start SELECT p.position, p.name, p.type, p.start_line, NVL(LEAD(p.start_line) OVER (ORDER BY p.start_line), MAX((SELECT MAX(s.line) - 1 AS last_line FROM s))) AS next_module FROM p GROUP BY p.position, p.name, p.type, p.start_line ) p LEFT JOIN s ON s.line > p.start_line AND s.line < p.next_module AND REGEXP_LIKE(UPPER(s.text), '^\s*END(\s+' || p.name || ')?\s*;', 'i') GROUP BY p.position, p.name, p.type, p.start_line ) r LEFT JOIN ( SELECT s1.line AS start_line, s2.line AS end_line FROM s1 LEFT JOIN s2 ON s2.rn = s1.rn ) m ON m.end_line = r.start_line - 1 ORDER BY r.position;
To get assess to PL/SQL scope, you need to recompile objects with IDENTIFIERS:ALL.
BEGIN recompile ( in_optimize => 1, in_code_type => 'INTERPRETED', in_scope => 'IDENTIFIERS:ALL, STATEMENTS:ALL', in_invalid_only => FALSE ); END; /
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