T There are plenty of things you can do on global page. Not everything is a great idea. Typical usage would be: Regions used on multiple pages Page items used through multiple pages JavaScript and CSS styles Dynamic actions Footer with some extra info Regions Typically it is some sort of navigations or filtering and that is perfectly fine. You should be aware that you can also create same region with source as "Function Body returning SQL Query" or by using "Dynamic Content" region (and ofc. having content in package, not on page). For complex components you could also create your own plugin. This is useful to know specially if you want the same content on different places on page. JavaScript and CSS styles It might be ok to have scripts and styles on global page, but unless you need them just on specific pages (or you want to apply server side conditions to them), I would rather store them in application files. Or even better in worksp
Mainly APEX, sometimes SQL, PL/SQL, clean code and certifications