D Did you ever wanted to customize user messages? To make them intuitive? Green as success, red as error, yellow as warning? Oh yes, lets add a third message type. Not everything can fit into success or error. To achieve this, I am passing a JSON object as a message and catching this message on page before showing it to users. This allows me to pass the message type or even a unique color, icon and other things (like a DA name to fire after the message). You can modify it however you need. To simplify this and make it more readable, I have created 3 JavaScript functions: show_success show_warning show_error const show_success = function(msg) { apex.message.showPageSuccess(JSON.stringify(get_message(msg, 'SUCCESS'))); }; // const show_warning = function(msg) { apex.message.clearErrors(); apex.message.showErrors([{ type: apex.message.TYPE.ERROR, // sadly no warning supported location: ['page'], message
Mainly APEX, sometimes SQL, PL/SQL, clean code and certifications