Many years ago I created simple wrapper to get access from Python to Oracle database. You can find revisited version at my Git repository. All you need to do is to install cx_Oracle module.
You can connect to database using pickle file (see oracle.py) or by following code:
from oracle_wrapper import Oracle ora = Oracle({ 'user' : 'USER_NAME', 'pwd' : 'PASSWORD', 'host' : 'SERVER_NAME', # default port 1521 'sid' : 'SID', #'service' : 'SERVICE_NAME', # use sid or service_name })
Then you can execute any block of code with or without binded variables. You can also use autobind feature. And you can also use executemany to bulk process rows.
data = ora.execute("BEGIN sess.create_session(in_user_id => :user_id); END;", user_id = 'JKVETINA')
You can also fetch any data from Oracle database into named tuples so you can easily access them.
data = ora.fetch_assoc(""" SELECT namespace, attribute, value FROM session_context WHERE namespace LIKE :namespace ORDER BY 1, 2 """, namespace = '%' ) print(' | '.join(ora.cols)) for row in data: print(' | '.join(row)) # row.attribute.ljust(16), row.value print()
Update April 18th 2021
With some minor adjustments you can easily connect to Oracle Cloud.
I changed pickle file to adjust for wallets (just pass user, password and service_name). The biggest pain was to use tnsnames.ora file on Mac. In theory, you could just use:
cx_Oracle.init_oracle_client( lib_dir = '/Users/dobby/.instantclient_19_3' config_dir = '/Users/dobby/.sqldeveloper/Wallet_KVIDO' ) os.environ['TNS_ADMIN'] = '/Users/dobby/.sqldeveloper/Wallet_KVIDO'
But it was not working for me no matter what. My lib_dir is somehow fixed. So I copied wallet files to instant_client_19_3/network/admin folder and that was it. Not the best solution, but it is working now.
For more info check this article or this video.
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